Digital Transformation of Healthcare: Setting and Assessing Your Digital Strategy
June 17, 2021 I 9:30 – 10:30 AM ET

Paddy Padmanabhan, Chief Executive Officer, Damo Consulting, will review the digital transformation of healthcare and what it means for your competitive, operations and technology strategies. This session will help you assess your current digital strategy, set future goals and help you move your strategy forward. Specific steps, governance alternatives and models of maturity in planning for your digital health strategy will all be explored.
Learning objectives
By the end of this session, participants will be able to:
- Review the strategies and tactics used by large health systems at the vanguard of the digital transformation;
- Discuss a framework and maturity model for assessing your current state and guiding your strategy;
- Examine how to identify your target markets, customers and potential competitors; and
- Formulate concrete steps to achieve a comprehensive digital strategy.