Monday, November 09, 2020
Congratulations to President-elect Joe Biden and Vice-President elect Kamala Harris. As a popular social media image doing the rounds over the weekend stated, lots of broken glass on the floor. As an Indian-American, a first-generation immigrant, and a true believer in the idea of America, I couldn’t be more proud of the strength and resiliency of our democracy.
We include this editorial from Modern Healthcare that describes near-term healthcare policy actions we can expect from the new administration. AS COVID-19 cases climb relentlessly (and might spike even further in the short term as celebrations across the nation bring people in close contact), the #1 priority will be to bring the pandemic under control.
Elsewhere in the world, coronavirus cases are beginning to overwhelm hospitals. We could be next.
The CHIME Digital Forum is happening this week. I’m super-excited about my presentation with John Kravitz, CIO of Geisinger Health System, on their digital transformation journey. Damo Consulting is privileged to have been a partner to Geisinger’s digital journey this past year. We are also proud to be a session sponsor for the digital transformation track at the event. Don’t miss it.
My latest podcast guest is Craig Richardville, Chief Information and Digital Officer at SCL Health. Take a listen
P. S. I am accepting speaking engagements for your in-company and user group events on the book themes and our recent research. Drop a line to for more details.
Stay safe. Wear a mask.
Podcast of the week

In this episode, Craig Richardville discusses how they have created an organization within SCL Health to design digital programs for building new levels of engagements keeping the future in mind. He also points to the need to empower patients, one of the most underutilized resources in the healthcare industry, and how one can be part of SCL Health’s digital journey.
This Week in Digital Health Markets
We are selectively featuring guest posts in our newsletter from senior leaders in healthcare and technology. Reach out to us if you would like to contribute a blog to one of our upcoming newsletters.
COVID-19 and the ACA will dominate Biden’s early regulatory agenda
An early look at what a Biden presidency means for healthcare policy. Modern Healthcare
Europe’s Hospital Crunch Grows More Dire, Surpassing Spring Peak
Left unchecked, Coronovirus will overwhelm our hospitals – again. New York Times
TriHealth switches to Zoom for pandemic, sees 3,650% increase in telehealth use
Cincinnati based health system, TriHealth saw an increase of 3,650% in telehealth utilization over the last six months after opting Zoom’s telehealth platform. Healthcare IT News
Vizient to purchase Intalere from Intermountain
Vizient to purchase the group purchasing organization Intalere from Intermountain Healthcare. Modern Healthcare
What leading AMCs can teach about using EHRs for COVID-19 response
A recent JAMIA report examines the ways in which 15 academic medical centers leveraged their electronic health records to address the COVID-19 pandemic –and the ways in which existing initiatives have fallen short. Healthcare IT News
9 healthcare innovation leaders share their predictions for digital health in 2021
Many healthcare professionals said they think the rapid acceleration of digital health technologies that the industry experienced in 2020 will continue to grow in the next year. Becker’s Hospital Review
CDC: Telehealth visits more than doubled in March 2020
A report from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that about 1.6 million telehealth encounters occurred via four major vendors from January through March. Healthcare IT News
More U.S. patients to have easy, free access to doctor’s notes
More U.S. patients will soon have free, electronic access to the notes their doctors write about them under a new federal requirement for transparency. Modern Healthcare
Northwell, Fitbit partner on COVID-detection study
Northwell Health’s Feinstein Institutes for Medical Research and Fitbit on Thursday announced they are collaborating on a study to validate Fitbit’s COVID-19 early detection algorithm. Modern Healthcare
A CIO’s perspective on the promise of digital transformation
Penn Medicine Chief Information Officer Mike Restuccia says strong leadership is needed to capitalize on technology’s potential – but people are the real enablers. Healthcare IT News
Chart of the Week


Paddy Padmanabhan will be co-presenting at the CHIME20 Digital Recharge – A Virtual Education Forum scheduled on November 10-12, 2020 on ‘Driving Enterprise Digital Transformation: The Geisinger Health Experience.’ Click here for more details.

Paddy Padmanabhan with host Mike Miliard on HIMSSCast discussing his new co-authored book – 'Healthcare Digital Transformation', the lessons therein, and other emerging technology trends in healthcare, including patient engagement and the evolving role of the electronic health record. Listen here.
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