Tuesday, September 08, 2020
Our mid-year review of the top global IT services firms in healthcare, The WITCH Report, is out. This one-of-a-kind in-depth analysis of the financial and market performance of the leading firms, now in its fifth year, is a must-read for health system CIOs, technology executives from IT consulting and services, analysts and VCs. Download your copy here.
We focus this week on how the landscape for telemedicine has changed since the early days of the pandemic. As I have written before, and my firm’s recent research has identified, the extreme shift towards virtual visits brought on by the pandemic is now giving way to a more measured evaluation of the choices.
I had the privilege of being interviewed on Bill Russell’s podcast last week. Take a listen.
Our guest blog this week is from Keith Belton, Vice President Strategy and Partnerships of Phynd Technologies, a provider data management/data search company. He discusses why health systems should operate beyond “digital front door” and consider building a “digital house” experience.
In my latest podcast, Puneet Maheshwari, Founder/CEO of DocASAP, a patient access platform, discusses their latest research on consumer attitudes and preferences for patient access.
P.S. We’re still on the Amazon bestseller list! Signed copies of my new book Healthcare Digital Transformation, are available at the link below. You can also get your print and eBook versions on Amazon. An audio version will be available soon.
Podcast of the week
In this episode, Puneet Maheshwari, CEO of DocASAP discusses their platform and their recent survey on consumer experience and attitudes to telehealth/ telemedicine.
This Week in Digital Health Markets
We are selectively featuring guest posts in our newsletter from senior leaders in healthcare and technology. Reach out to us if you would like to contribute a blog to one of our upcoming newsletters.
The extreme shift towards virtual visits brought on by the pandemic is now giving way to a more measured evaluation of the choices. Stat News
Walkie-talkie system keeps families connected to ICU patients
Part of a project by doctors of Weill Cornell Medicine created a walkie-talkie to help family members speak with ICU patients, who are unable to hold up a phone themselves. Modern Healthcare
Humana taps Salesforce Health Cloud to launch coordinated care platform
Humana announced a multiyear partnership to launch its new care coordinate platform –the Enterprise Clinical Operating Model – using Salesforce Health Cloud. Healthcare Finance News
A Pandemic Application of Creative Destruction in Healthcare
A great case study in digital transformation; Montefiore Health System’s response to COVID-19. Frontiers of Health Services Management
Apple and Google expand coronavirus warning software
Apple and Google’s new contact tracing function is an improvement on what we have today. However, the “exposure notifications express” may have limited impact given the backlog in testing. Washington Post
We Can Solve the Coronavirus-Test Mess Now—If We Want To
The biggest bottleneck today in addressing the COVID-19 crisis is testing. Dr. Gawande gives us a comprehensive overview of the current state of testing, the science and the rigor of the workflows involved in testing for infectious diseases, and the multitude of testing methods available to effectively screen at-risk individuals and populations. The New Yorker
GUEST POST - Keith Belton, Vice President Strategy and Partnerships, Phynd Technologies, Inc.
Beyond the Digital Front Door: The Digital House
Health Systems Should Operate as a Digital House. Not Just a Digital Front Door
Chart of the Week
Damo Consulting Thought Leadership and Research
A mid-year review of the financial and market performance of global technology consulting firms in healthcare.
The WITCH Monthly Monitor (August) - Our monthly update on major global IT consulting and services firms in healthcare provides the latest financial and market performance updates on WITCH companies along with other global IT consulting firms. *WITCH Monthly Monitor is now available as a free 1-year subscription with every purchase of The WITCH Report.
With host Bill Russel, Paddy Padmanabhan with Ed Marx discuss healthcare digital transformation.
Our CEO Paddy Padmanabhan and Ed Marx will discuss their new book 'Healthcare Digital Transformation' in the Part 6 of The HCI Group webinar series - Digital Unplugged: How to Enable Enterprise Digital Transformation Part 6: The Book
This ebook is a snapshot of the more detailed whitepaper ‘Interoperability and Patient Access: what it is, who gets impacted, and how to plan for the future.’