Thought Leadership In Healthcare Digital Transformation

Damo Consulting thought leaders regularly write in different media articles. We also invite guest posts from industry leaders.

Frictionless digital health experience for consumers

– Bill Krause, Vice President of Experience Solutions, Change Healthcare

Our recent podcast guest on The Big Unlock podcast, Bill Krause, Vice President of Experience Solutions at Change Healthcare, discussed how they are working towards providing seamless digital health experience to consumers by removing friction points in healthcare with Paddy Padmanabhan, CEO of Damo Consulting. Bill also spoke about their recent announcement about the launch of their new digital health platform.

“We provide a variety of data and analytics-driven solutions and services that focus on clinical, financial, and patient engagement outcomes. We really occupy a unique space in healthcare with our focus on connecting the broader ecosystem. We have deep and broad networks across financial and clinical areas that improve decision making, simplify billing, help with payer and provider processes, payment processing, and help enable better consumer healthcare experience.”

– Bill Krause, Episode #51  

Removing friction points throughout the consumer healthcare experience

Change Healthcare is one of the largest independent healthcare technology companies in the U.S. They recently announced the launch of a new Connected Consumer Health™ suite platform to help healthcare providers create consumer centric digital health experience.

“We recently announced the availability of our Connected Consumer Health™ suite. The solutions: Digital Patient Experience Manager, Shop Book and Pay™, Virtual Front Desk, and other capabilities, really help providers to create more consumer-style digital healthcare experiences. We are helping providers with the platform power to create a connected digital journey for consumers, starting with internet search to the exam room. Our focus is around removing as many of the friction points that are typical with today’s healthcare experience across finding, accessing, and paying for care.”

– Bill

COVID-19 and the shift towards digital health

In wake of COVID-19 there is an acceleration of virtual care models and increase in digital health investments. Bill states that COVID-19 has created a big explosion of interest around digital health. Providers are now more focused towards delivering care beyond the patient portal capabilities to include more digital front door channels for a smooth patient healthcare experience.    

“There are some near-term imperatives that the market has been responding to, and then there are the medium and longer-term realities that our customers are now positioning themselves to address and all. The near-term imperatives like enabling virtual care so that patients could be served from that standpoint. Also, things like touchless check-in and minimizing any contact with staff where possible and moving things like paper forms to electronic, etc. The medium-term is around reimagining those pathways that consumers have got access to care and how to deliver those digitally. The digital front door concept has expanded beyond perhaps the patient portal to other channels and modalities. So, I think it really created a big explosion of interest around the role digital can play in the healthcare system.” – Bill

Improving access to care through virtual models

Virtual care technologies like remote care and remote monitoring are stepping up to improve access to care. Bill believes that virtual care technologies will become a large component of how consumers will receive care and healthcare providers will invest more on their digital health capabilities to support better consumer healthcare experience.

“Given the realities of COVID, there is a recognition that an increased scope of care can be delivered in the home setting and more consumers are getting accustomed to it. And there’s been a growing body of evidence related to shifting care to the home and the value that it delivers in terms of benefits to consumer’s quality of life, health outcomes, as well as benefits to the system from an efficiency standpoint. So those drivers as well I think will continue to encourage that trend.” – Bill Krause 

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